In line with Right To Information (RTI) Act 989, the Ministry has designated an Information Officer, who has been trained to process applications for access to information.
The Ministry is therefore positioned to accept and process applications to make available information to the public subject to the exemptions that are necessary and consistent with the protection of the public interest in a democratic society. This is to foster a culture of transparency and accountability in public affairs and to provide for related matters.
Procedure for Access
The following are the application procedures one is expected to follow in order to apply for access to information in a public institution inclusive of Ministry of Aviation. This provision is stipulated in Section 18 of the RTI Act 2019, Act 989 as stated below:
Application to access to information
- (1) an application to access information held by a public institution shall
(a) be made in writing to the public institution,
(b) contain sufficient description or particulars to enable the information to be
(c) indicate the form and manner of access required,
(d) state the capacity of the applicant to satisfaction of the information officer
to whom the application is made, if the application is made on behalf of another person,
(e) state the name of the applicant, an address to which a communication or
notice can be sent,
(f) provide identification of the applicant; and
(g) be signed by the applicant.
(2) Where an applicant is unable to make the application in writing due to illiteracy or a disability, the applicant may make the request orally.
(3) Where a request is made orally under subsection (2), the request shall be reduced into writing by the information officer to whom the applicant is made, who shall give a copy of the written request as recorded and as duly authenticated to the applicant.
(4) Where the applicant is illiterate, and the request has been reduced into writing, the information officer shall
(a) clearly and correctly read and explain the written request to the
understanding of the applicant in accordance with the Illiterates` Protection Act ,1912 (Cap 262);
(b) ask a witness to endorse on the face of the request that “the request was
read to the applicant in the language the applicant understands and the applicant appeared to have understood the content of the request“; and
(c) ask the applicant to make a thumbprint or mark on the request.
(5) Where an application does not sufficiently describe the information required,
the public institution to which the application is made shall so inform the applicant and offer the applicant the necessary assistance to identify the information.
(6) Where a public institution receives an application for access, part of which is
exempt, the information officer shall disclose to the applicant as much of the information as can reasonably be separated without disclosing the exempt part.
(7) For the purpose of this section, the reference to “writing” in subsection (3)
includes electronic form and “Braille”.
The Ministry of Aviation wishes to inform the general public that, application forms are available at the Ministry or can be downloaded below:
Contact Address:
Ministry of Aviation
National Communication Authority Tower, 3rd Floor
Airport City
Telephone: 0302774995
Email: info@moa.gov.gh