Policy Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation

Policy Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (PPBME)

This Directorate leads the technical processes for the development of policies, plans, programmes and budgets of all activities of the Ministry.  It caters for the design and application of monitoring and evaluation systems for purposes of assessing the operational effectiveness of the Ministry’s strategies and interventions.

The Directorate shall perform the following functions: 

  • Report directly to the Chief Director, the Director of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Directorate will be responsible for the coordination of the national M&E system, the design and management of the M&E programme, its implementation nation-wide, the preparation of various national M&E reports, including the Annual Progress Report (APR)
  • Guide the establishment of a comprehensive, national M&E system and its procedures, ensuring effective and participatory monitoring and evaluation of the implementation process;
  • Establish a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework for ensuring the effective implementation of the long-term national Aviation development plan and its corresponding medium-term national development policy frameworks; as well as development plans, programmes and projects at all levels;
  • Oversee the preparation of M&E guidelines for all Aviation planning at all levels of administration and governance;
  • Coordinate the process of preparing the national, sector and district M&E reports and the national APRs with the participation of public sector agencies, district assemblies, the private sector and civil society, including identifiable groups;
  • Ensure; that national M&E Reports and APRs are widely disseminated;
  • Support the establishment and maintenance of an effective Management Information System (MIS), Geographic Information (GIS),
  • Work in close collaboration with Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs), Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to identify and advise on the human resource and M&E capacity development needs of Policy Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation Departments (PPMEDs), Regional Planning Coordinating Units (RPCUs) and District Planning Coordinating Units (DPCUs).
  • Plan and manage the work programme of the M&E Division, and its implementation in conformity with the overall work plan of the Commission;
  • Provide intellectual guidance and professional leadership to the staff of the division and effective supervision of their work;